Lifestyle tips, traditions & more

Lavish Planner large burlap organize board with frame, Lavish Three 3

Lavish Planning . . . "BACK to SCHOOL"

The lazy days of Summer are coming to a close ... it's time to set the alarms and schedule carpools for sports, homework, and other activities ~ BACK TO SCHOOL is here! Help keep organized .... ...

Lavish Planning . . . "BACK to SCHOOL"

The lazy days of Summer are coming to a close ... it's time to set the alarms and schedule carpools for sports, homework, and other activities ~ BACK TO SCHOOL is here! Help keep organized .... ...

Lavish Your Soul lifestyle blog; Host a Lavish Happy Hour whimsical tapas and appetizer floral plates, Lavish Three 3

Host a "Lavish Happy Hour" ~ refreshments, tapa...

Gather special friends and host a "Lavish Happy Hour!" On warm Summer evenings just before the sun sets, take time to relax and enjoy refreshing cocktails and tapas! Serve a few of our favorite...

Host a "Lavish Happy Hour" ~ refreshments, tapa...

Gather special friends and host a "Lavish Happy Hour!" On warm Summer evenings just before the sun sets, take time to relax and enjoy refreshing cocktails and tapas! Serve a few of our favorite...

Lavish Your Soul lifestyle blog; sweet and bee-u-tiful Summer mornings, Lavish Three 3

Sweet & "bee"-u-tiful Summer mornings . . . .

"The busy bee has no time for sorrow ..." Charming and "bee"u-tiful ways to host Summer with whimsy fun and love!

Sweet & "bee"-u-tiful Summer mornings . . . .

"The busy bee has no time for sorrow ..." Charming and "bee"u-tiful ways to host Summer with whimsy fun and love!

Lavish Your Soul lifestyle blog, Servin'up Summer "Whimsey" country-style lifestyle blog, Lavish Three 3

Servin'up Summer "Whimsy" . . . country-style!

"The food I've liked in my time is American country cookin' ..." ~ Colonel Sanders _______________ o O o _______________   Country "Harvest" tray Present your family and friends with...

Servin'up Summer "Whimsy" . . . country-style!

"The food I've liked in my time is American country cookin' ..." ~ Colonel Sanders _______________ o O o _______________   Country "Harvest" tray Present your family and friends with...

Hello Sunshine lifestyle blog, Lavish Three 3

"HELLO SUNSHINE" ...bright pillows, illuminatin...

Brighten and illuminate your Summer! ... then pucker-up for refreshingly tart lemonade served in sunshine ...

"HELLO SUNSHINE" ...bright pillows, illuminatin...

Brighten and illuminate your Summer! ... then pucker-up for refreshingly tart lemonade served in sunshine ...

A simple Summer feast lifestyle blog and recipes, Lavish Three 3

A 'simple' SUMMER feast . . . platters, dishes ...

"In the good ol' Summertime ..." Feasts made simple and delicious! Colorful platters, sides dishes, tumblers and more ... recipes to accompany & ENJOY ...

A 'simple' SUMMER feast . . . platters, dishes ...

"In the good ol' Summertime ..." Feasts made simple and delicious! Colorful platters, sides dishes, tumblers and more ... recipes to accompany & ENJOY ...