Meet Johanna, a woman whose journey is a testament to faith and resilience. In 2011, Johanna, her husband, and their 30-day-old baby embarked on an unexpected move to Las Vegas due to a sudden job change. Facing the daunting task of starting anew far from her family and friends, Johanna was initially overwhelmed and wished to return to California. After a period of frustration and earnest prayers, she reached a moment of surrender, asking, "God, if there's a purpose in this move, help me embrace it." This pivotal moment marked the beginning of a profound transformation in her life.
Guided by newfound faith and community support, Johanna founded True ID, a non-profit dedicated to helping survivors of human trafficking reintegrate into society through housing and mentorship. For over a decade, she poured her heart into this cause and continues to serve on its Board of Directors.