"Something Resembling Lemonade" story by Nikki McMullin, Lavish Three

"Something Resembling Lemonade" ... a familiy's Story ~ by Nikki McMullin


This week's story comes from our wonderful friend, Nikki McMullin.
Take a moment to "Lavish Your Soul" as we continue to highlight
this season's featured nonprofit organization,
Autism Coalition of Nevada (ACON)

"Something Resembling Lemonade"

by Nikki McMullin

I love the series “This Is Us.”  It pulls at my heart strings by filling me up with an abundance of laughter and love while emptying me every so often with tears of joy and sadness.  When those popular words rang through my ears and dove down to my heart, my memories began to spin out of control.  You may be familiar with those words ...

“I like to think that one day you'll be an old man like me
talkin' a young man's ear off explainin' to him how you took
the sourest lemon that life had to offer and turned it into
something resembling lemonade.” 

And just like that, I was brought back to 10 years prior when we heard the bitter words of, “Your daughter is autistic.”  Interestingly enough, those words weren’t the toughest part.  It was her reactions to the testing she went through prior to the diagnosis.  My eyes were finally opened and allowed me to see what I couldn’t see before.  It was the hardest day of my life ...

My daughter, Emma, is a fraternal twin.  When we received her diagnosis she was 2 ½ years old.  She has bright blue eyes, a beautiful smile and a laugh that fills a room!  Shortly after turning 3, Emma began school starting at 8am going until 3pm, Monday through Friday.  The twins were separated for the first time.  The first day of school was the second hardest day of my life.  As she literally began kicking and screaming, I was told to leave.  With tears streaming down my face as I walked down the hall, all I could hear was, “Mommy!”  She was non-verbal, but she had no problem yelling my name.  In that moment and days to follow, I could only wonder if I was doing the right thing.  Was sticking a 3 year old in the public school system the right thing to do? And what about my job? Was continuing to work a full-time job when my daughter needed me the right thing to do? I was heart-broken, confused and desperate.

I wasn’t raised in the church, but I knew who God was and had been baptized when I was 16.  My husband believed in science.  I’d influenced my husband to go with me a few times to church, but he didn’t really understand it.  When we were invited to a different church by friends who were on a similar journey, we agreed to check it out.  And you know what, we loved it!  Although my husband wasn’t a believer, he loved the music, the message and most importantly, how much the church accepted and loved our daughters. 

The more I gravitated toward God the more I saw the gift Emma has been to us.  She slowed us down.  She helped us learn patience.  She taught us real love.  The best part is she brought me back to Jesus.  4 years later, my husband would accept Jesus as his Savior and be baptized.

Psalm 34:18 says this,
“The LORD is close to the brokenhearted;
he rescues those whose spirits are crushed.” 

God saw my hurt.  He knew my pain.  And when my heart was aching, He was there all along.  But I had to take a step.  I had to reach out to Him.  I had to let Him in. 

Emma & her twin sister Ruby ...

Our life isn’t perfect by any means, but who’s is? Our lives changed instantly, but only for the better.  We are better spouses, better parents, better friends than we could have ever imagined!  The missing link was Jesus.  It was the sourest lemon that led us to Him and He graciously welcomed us in ....

Something resembling lemonade?
Not for us.  It’s better than lemonade and  
there’s no recipe that can compare ,,,
... this is US !
** about our guest author ...
Nikki McMullin is a devoted wife to her husband Will & mom to twins, Emma & Ruby (12), and Jaxson (7). She lives in the Las Vegas area, a city full of lights, action & tons of grace. She works as a Ministry Leader at Central Church where she introduces people to Jesus & helps them follow Him. Nikki is a talented singer & writer. She has a deep love for the Denver Broncos, pizza, cheesecake & a whole lot of coffee. Nikki continues to be in awe of how God uses her messes to help her walk with other people as they learn to see who God created them to be.


1 in 68 children have Autism
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now until December 31, 2017
~ a portion of all sales will be joyfully donated to our featured nonprofit,
Autism Coalition of Nevada (ACON)
~ an organization committed to providing legislative advocacy &
financial support to families affected by Autism

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Nikki you are a shining light in this world and Emma is blessed God chose you as her mother. You are full of smiles with open arms and know how you have helped others with special children like Emma. I witnessed it in small group introducing you to another mom. Thank you for your openess and sharing your story and just being you.

Debbie Damron

Beautiful testimony !! Beautiful family!!!

Dana Caples-Moore

Beautiful and heartfelt family story, and the pure love from our God above ❤️

Emily Lomprey

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