Introducing our friend & this season's nonprofit partner, Amy Meyer-Terry, Founder & President of WHY Ranch
"Many Happy Greetings & Warmest Aloha, My Lavish Three Friends!
Allow me to introduce myself. My God given married name is Amy Meyer-Terry and I was graciously asked to share my story with y’all. I am honored to do so with the understanding that most stories have a beginning, middle and End. Mine does not… Seasons have an End in our lives, but I truly believe that our stories continue as we learn, grow and God Lavishes us with each blessing He chooses. Each day a new beginning of Hope even when there has been despair. God walks alongside and carries us through the deepest valleys to the highest mountains, Loving us through all those embarrassing mistakes and cheering us on when we finally glimpse at the finish line.
So begins my 23-year story in the making.
I moved to Las Vegas after college thinking that I would grant my Grandparents the gift of my presence for a few years before I went to seek my fame and fortune in producing & editing movies in, yes, Hollywood. Oh, I was so excited. However, God had other plans. Suddenly, my aunt was diagnosed with terminal leukemia. My family and I decided to create a private foundation giving educationally based grants to deserving college students in her memory. Time passed and I found myself dedicating the next 12 years of my life to my family until God called each one home. This left me with a great void in my life and one that many of my friends couldn’t help me with, I was an empty-nester wondering what God had for me, what was My legacy going to be now that I didn’t have the skill set to continue in a movie production career? A dear friend and Pastor, Teddy, shared a word that God had given him for Me. He said that God knows my heart with every hurt, angry thought, doubt, loneliness and fear. Teddy proceeded to tell me that God wasn’t afraid of any emotion or anger I had. God Loved Me for Who I am and it was time for me to become Who He Designed Me to Be. You see, I shut God out of my life thinking why He would even love me now for all the bitterness over the betrayals and loss I harbored.
THEN, in the middle of my anger; doubt for the future; selfishness of wanting to just be blessed for all my sacrifices; personal illness and hurt over an abusive & fraudulent marriage, emerged a beautiful story of Healing; Finding my self-worth and Revelation… a lifetime of positively changing so many lives of our vulnerable youth in Las Vegas. Vulnerable just like I was as a child.
One day, after 2 months of deliberate prayer, God revealed the vision that He had for Las Vegas and the Calling He impressed on My Life.
Now begins the story of White Horse Youth Ranch (WHY Ranch). I want you to know that WHY Ranch is not about me. It’s All God’s calling on my life. I know this because of my previous stories: Amy is a quitter when things don’t go as planned. Amy is a loner and doesn’t know how to relate to everyone. Amy is afraid of rejection. Amy doesn’t like being in the spotlight. Amy is shy & quiet. Nobody believes Amy. Amy is a sexually abused adult child who has finally overcome the lies of the enemy of why she was abused. Amy doesn’t remember most of her childhood except being bullied by her sister and other kids in her life. Amy is still challenged with self-esteem. Amy doesn’t know how to relate to kids, she never had healthy relationships.
Those aren’t my stories anymore.
Everyday, God thwarts those lies and keeps me Pressing On to a future where kids with those same stories can come to WHY Ranch to forget about the “stuff” or “story” going on at home or school. They come to have fun, laugh, learn their self-worth, confidence and leadership just by feeling the unconditional and non-judgmental Love of the staff and animals at WHY Ranch.
God replaced Every Second of Doubt in my mind with Promise and the right people to carry me to the next step. He brought me through every lie my neighbors where telling about me and every death threat anyone opposed to WHY Ranch was giving in order to prevent WHY Ranch from succeeding in Las Vegas. Every set back or let down giving me the belief that WHY Ranch wasn’t really God’s Calling on My Life was eliminated every time a child or family stood up and told me their story and how much White Horse Youth Ranch has done in their lives.
I thought that WHY Ranch would always be hosted at other stables. Here comes the man who is now my husband encouraging me to look at properties we couldn’t afford. Are You Kidding Me?! The first property we looked at was in foreclosure and is now our permanent Ranch home!
Change is scary. Growth is always spurred by conflict. Currently, we are in another transitional season where I have to rely and trust in God. The people who I believed were my friends, my supporters, the wind beneath my wings for all purposes betrayed me delivering lies about my husband, myself and if WHY Ranch was even going to make it to anyone who would lend an ear. Be Cautious, my friends. The enemy lurks in areas you don’t expect. Be Courageous and remove what no longer benefits you/calling on your life or those who no longer breathe life into you, (building you up & supporting you). Be Thankful. What the enemy wants for evil, God uses for our Good and His Glory!
Yes, the attempt to destroy many relationships and even prevent donors from blessing WHY Ranch seemed successful… for a minute. My Friends, God is on the Move in so many new ways that wouldn’t have been possible with the people who no longer shared my vision. Who’s to say God wasn’t doing a little Spring-cleaning to begin our Next Chapter?
I have no choice but to fly towards the sky victorious like the phoenix from the ashes.
Through all the “stories” in my life, that doubtful, abused, shy, timid little girl that nobody believed or listened to is No Longer Who I Am.
I Keep Pressing On.
I pray that my story has encouraged you to put all the “old stories” to rest; Discover your “New Story” and Press On courageously knowing the King of All Kings has your back!"
* about our lavish guest writer . . .
Amy Meyer-Terry, transplant from Southern Illinois, has made her home in Las Vegas since 1993. She quickly created a family foundation with her aunt Pauline & grandparents, The Paul E & Helen S Meyer Foundation in which she has been President of since 1999. Amy dedicated 12 years of her life to her family & with Philanthropy in her blood Amy founded the White Horse Youth Ranch (WHY Ranch) in 2005 after the death of her last relative living in Las Vegas.
Amy met her current husband & forever love, Curtis Terry on match.com just before he returned home from Afghanistan in 2012. Curtis had his own dreams of changing the lives of vulnerable youth & embraced the passion for empowering socially-challenged youth & their families through working with horses, bunnies, chickens & goats. Amy & Curtis reside as property managers of WHY Ranch in it’s new South-West Las Vegas location taking care of all the rescued, redeemed & rehabilitated animals. Both of her step-daughters, Caitlin, who works for WHY Ranch & Madeline, assist the couple with caring for the animals & being peers to the socially-challenged youth who benefit from the “Diamonds in the Rough” program.

1 comment
I love Amy. I know her pain. Her story almost is the same as mine. We met this year. I was looking for purpose and found the WHY Ranch through volunteermatch online.
Now I’m part of her WHY team. To know her is to love her. She is awesome. She is caring. She is healing herself.
Amy IS NOT a victim of anything anymore. She is a survivor like I am. It’s a pleasure to be around her. An honor to know her. You should get to know her too.
She is a life changer. For herself, for others.
And because of Amy I have purpose again. I love horses. I love children. I’m also a successful adult with autism. A three-sport pro athlete.
Working with Amy is a perfect match for us both. I’m glad I found her.