Story of Jack and Ruth Hoke, Jesus Film Project ministry partners, Gama tribe Ethiopia, Lavish Three 3

Lavish Your Soul ~ Jack & Ruth Hoke ... a Story of what happened when ONE couple stepped out in FAITH

"The whole gospel is a vision for ushering in God's kingdom --
now, not in some future time, and here, on earth, not in some distant heaven.
What if two billion people embraced this vision
of God transforming our world -- through them? Imagine it.
Indeed, what if even two thousand people took their faith
to the next level -- what might God do? 
Two thousand years ago, the world was changed forever by just twelve. 
It can happen again." 
~ excerpt from "The Hole in our Gospel"
by Richard Sterns
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Jack & Ruth Hoke

A Story of what happened when ONE couple
stepped out in FAITH

In the early 2000’s Jack and Ruth Hoke attended a JESUS Film briefing. For the first time they heard stories about how the Lord was using this two-hour film based entirely on the Gospel of Luke to touch lives all over the world. Although it was already translated in hundreds of languages, hundreds more were needed so that every person on earth could hear Jesus’ very own words in their heart language. The Hokes were convinced that no one should have to learn another language in order to hear God’s message of love and forgiveness.

Their hearts were touched and they decided to fund a language translation.
The language they chose was for the Gamo,
a tribe of over 1 million people in southern Ethiopia.

After almost 3 years of translation and recording, the new language was complete. Jack and Ruth along with several others were invited to attend the premiere of “JESUS” in the Gamo language ...

Thousands attended ...

As the story of Jesus unfolded on the screen, the Gamo people were touched by the Spirit of God. Sobbing could be heard throughout the crowd as people realized that Jesus had died for their sins.  Hundreds turned to Him and asked for forgiveness of their sin and decided to become followers of Jesus. They broke into joyful applause when they realized He had not only died for them but had risen from the dead and that He is alive!

The following is a powerful video of Jack & Ruth Hoke's
experience &  interview at the premiere of the
JESUS Film to the Gamo people ...
this is the Story of what happened when ONE couple
stepped out in FAITH!

The Hokes were used in an extraordinary way to bring the Gospel to the Gamo people. And on this amazing evening they got to be eye-witnesses to the power of God’s Word.

... but that was not the end of the story ...

The Gamo church began to grow so much that they needed help.
Other believers came to stand alongside them as they trusted God
to help them reach more and more people!
Maybe you can’t fund a whole translation ... or maybe you can ...
but together we can make a huge difference in the lives of people who
are still waiting to hear for the very first time that Jesus loves them and
that they can be forgiven and live with Him forever.
"Until Everyone Sees JESUS!"
JESUS Film Project
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JESUS Film Project is a nonprofit organization,
a ministry of Cru / Campus Crusade for Christ
(your donation is tax deductible)
Our Goal ~ $10,000 / 365 days
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