Tis' the Season ~ Unveiling the Holidays..... "Lavishly"
Join us this September as we "unveil" & celebrate our
"1st" full Fall & Holiday Season!
Stop by for a bit of festive shopping,
discover a few of our favorite recipes to serve family & friends,
& arrive at holiday gatherings with a "lavish" gift
for the host or hostess.
"1st" full Fall & Holiday Season!
Stop by for a bit of festive shopping,
discover a few of our favorite recipes to serve family & friends,
& arrive at holiday gatherings with a "lavish" gift
for the host or hostess.
* please help us spread the news . . . join our community,
"share & like" us on Facebook &
visit us on Pinterest
Read & share heartfelt "Stories" for inspiration,
discover "Lifestyle" tips & introduce new family traditions,
or simply catch the latest in Lavish "News."
~ Lavish Three ~
A destination designed to lavish Your Heart, Your Soul & Your Home.
Discover beautiful home decor, heartfelt gifts, lavish jewelry,
lifestyle tips, traditions & more!
We joyfully donate a portion of our profits each season to a nonprofit ~
visit our lavish "Your Heart" page to learn more about this season's organization,
"The White Horse Youth Ranch serves socially challenged children ages 5 to 18,
instilling self-confidence & leadership skills."
Help us support this wonderful organization & their youth programs . . .
shop "lavishly" this season!
with JOYful gratitude,
Laurel * Tammy * Lisa