Renewing Life Center ~ "with JOYful gratitude"
it is with JOY that we thank our Lavish community for your heartfelt support.
~ purchasing our products, reading our stories, sharing our news, and
spreading the word about our little website . . . .
Your participation on this journey has brought us tremendous JOY in
Join us as we hear from our wonderful guest writers, Allison Medina, Keithlee Logan,
thanks and encouraging wisdom!
"Ernesto and I have been through quite a journey, one that will continue to evolve throughout the rest of our lives. When we began seeing Pat Meye at Renewing Life Center about 6 years ago, Ernesto and I were 2 seconds from divorce. Our marriage seemed helpless and hopeless. But God knew better. He orchestrated a series of events that led us to seek help at Renewing Life Center, and it was there that our marriage saw profound healing. As I’ve said a few times before, our life is not perfect, and we for sure fall back into some bad patterns of behavior at times. It was through counseling however, that we were able learn how to navigate disagreements without damaging our marriage in the process. Ernesto and I began to recognize how our past hurts, habits and hangups were affecting our marriage by influencing the way we saw ourselves and each other.
Dr. Patricia Meye, our beloved and treasured counselor, walked with me and Ernesto through some of the darkest times in our marriage. There really aren't profound enough words to adequately describe or express just how special Pat is to us! She is cherished and revered in our hearts, forever! It’s a miracle that Ernesto and I are still married today, and not just married, but thriving! Ernesto and I whole heartedly know that it’s on account of the work that Jesus did through Pat. We know that we would not be together today if we hadn’t had the courage to step out in faith, and seek help. We believe that we were in Vegas for the sole purpose of meeting Pat, journeying with her though ongoing counseling, which ultimately lead to the restoration of our marriage. And it wasn’t just our marriage that was healed, but Ernesto and I saw healing in some very painful and dark areas of our lives individually that had never been dealt with.
Our gratitude is infinite and our hearts will forever be connected to Pat in a special way. The work she is doing with her team at Renewing Life Center is literally saving lives and marriages in Vegas. We know it saved ours! Even though we do not live in Las Vegas anymore, Pat will be our counselor as long as we are alive!"
~ to read Allison's story, click on image . . .

"I can’t even begin to say what a blessing the Renewing Life Center has been to me. They have welcomed me in, just as I am, and have continued to give life and hope, to not only the healing from the loss of my precious mama, but to all areas of my life. They haven’t just provided counseling, they have shown true sincerity and compassion in their work.
The Renewing Life Center is truly here to give hope, healing, love and life. They have given me hope for a new beginning after such a devastating, heart-wrenching tragedy. They have shown me that there is light in and after the darkness. I have come to believe that we are all a work in progress, that’s why God’s grace is so beautiful, so I will continue to seek counseling at Renewing Life because it gives me guidance and direction towards the person that God made me to be.
Figuring out life without my mama is going to be a long process, but knowing that I have the wisdom and support of such a hope-filled place, I will make it through. Thank you Renewing Life Center for shining your light brightly! Your good deeds are overflowing, and the Lord is smiling upon you. You are a true blessing!"
"In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." ~ Matthew 5:16
~ to read Keithlee's story, click on image . . .

"Regular therapy sessions have given us a proactive plan to address issues before they cause deeper pain and additional problems. We have learned how to fight healthier, and how to repair more quickly and efficiently after fights. Therapy doesn't make you weak, or your marriage problematic, it makes you someone willing to fight for the person you committed the rest of your life to. It makes you someone who would rather change and be brutally honest, than someone who wants to be miserable and unhappy. It makes you someone who wants to be a true partner to your spouse, and to deeply understand their needs and desires in order to create the life and future you've always hoped for.
We challenge people in relationships all the time to seek out a therapist. And if you're in Las Vegas, there's no better place to go than Renewing Life Center.
Marriage can be the greatest gift both to you, your spouse, and to our world. But it will only be that if each partner is willing to work at it, and fight for it everyday. Thank you Renewing Life Center!"
~ to read Phil & Joy Hoover's story, click on image . . .

"As a Co- Senior Pastor of a new church plant here in Las Vegas, Sin City Church. I want to take a moment and thank all of you that are in the field of counseling. I believe you are the unsung heroes. Mental rehabilitation does not get the credit it deserves. I believe counseling/therapy is biblical. Seeking wise counsel for the renewing of your mind is imperative for anyone who needs a reboot or is struggling. You see counseling and the people who have chosen this profession have made a choice to enter into peoples pain and suffering and help ease them through it. We live in a crooked & depraved world and these amazing people have decided to spend their lives being the people in the corner of people’s broken sometimes-shattered lives helping them to pick up the pieces and or pull out the shards. They literally rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those that mourn. In my eyes they are Gods hand select.
Counseling and counselors have been a miracle in my life. From my mommy & daddy issues they helped identify my abandonment and self worth issues. (I even went through E.M.D.R. to eliminate my PTSD from a family life that can only be likened to the TV show The Sopranos or the movie Pulp Fiction), to the loss of my first tumultuous marriage because my ex chose drugs & a bridesmaid at our wedding over me, (which led to helping me figure out how to deal with my codependency), to the sudden death of my teenage son in 2003 & the grieving that could have crippled me had they not been in my corner. They have been there for me. In each these life calamities I crawled into my sessions & over time walked out with my head high with hope & resolve. Each & every issue was dealt with appropriately because I chose to deal with it by filtering with a safe person whose sole purpose was to pull me through the darkness onto the other side of light & survivor-hood.
Being broken is not a sin, staying broken when you have the opportunity to allow someone to help you is. I will always be an advocate of therapy. Safe places to vent are becoming a rare commodity & places like Renewing Life Center and The Relational Wellness Center here in Las Vegas are two of the finest organizations I know.
I am saddened by how many people refuse to grab a life preserver in the form of counseling when they are sinking in a sea of despair, melancholy & despondency. Perhaps Robin Williams would still be alive today if he would have pursued counseling with a therapist who could remind him of his value & worth. Here in America we are quick to take a happy pill but forget that perhaps going through the issues that brought you to the brink of despair with a trained professional will strengthen & not weaken you.
I know there is a stigma to counseling that the person being counseled has to admit they don’t have it all together…..and people, really who does? So I guess you can call me a therapy advocate. I am quick to refer anyone who is struggling in their lives & point them to those who stand ready to fight sin & the demons & life struggles that cannot be fought alone.
Thank you again to all of you that have chosen this life profession of leading those through the darkness with the light of hope. Your spark has ignited me & I am eternally grateful."
~ to read Jayne's story, click on image . . .
The three of us have benefited personally from professional therapy, so