"Christmas is . . . "

"Christmas is music and family in town
Christmas is Snoopy and Charlie Brown
It's anticipating that snow's gonna fall
And praying for someplace to park at the mall
It's mom going crazy cause the turkey
got burned
It's saying thanks for some gift you'll return
Christmas is caroling kids at your door
It's paper and ribbon all over the floor . . ."
The lyrics to Francesca Battistelli's song, "Christmas is. . ." rings true as we enter a crazy and busy season. Running even simple errands can seem like an all-day event. But with all the "busyness" that comes with this time of year, we pray here at Lavish Three that you and your family take time to pause, take deep breaths, and know that . . . . .
"Christmas is really, oh so much more
It's good news of hope for the whole world because
Christmas is . . .

"For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord"
Happy Birthday to our King!
lavish love,
Laurel, Tammy & Lisa