"With Joyful Gratitude" . . .

"With Joyful Gratitude" . . .

Lisa, Tammy and I want to "THANK" everyone for
all the encouraging and positive feedback during our first week of launching . . .
and of course, for shopping with us!
As you continue to visit our site,
please help us spread the word to your family and friends as they prepare
to ring in the holiday shopping season.
And although we love the many beautiful treasures we've found or
created for our business, our hearts' hope is that you will each take time to read
the "stories" under "Lavish Your Soul".
Every month, and sometimes weekly, we will publish a story from
someone you may know, or not, . . .
but courageous friends with wonderful stories to share.
We pray their stories will inspire, motivate, encourage and bring a bit of hope
to you and to the world . . . 
With joyful gratitude and
lavish love,
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