lavish "News" . . . We're "OPEN" !

lavish "News" . . . We're "OPEN" !

Three hundred-eighty-two days, our Lavish Three countdown . . .

We are beyond thrilled to share this adventure, this journey,.. and our hearts with you. We thank our families and friends for their prayers, encouragement and grace. Lisa, Tammy and I have had quite the experience bringing this online venture to you and we hope that you love every part just as much as we loved the journey bringing it all together. 

Through many long days, (and several long nights), of planning, editing, shooting, collaborating, writing and, yes, shopping, we are "OPEN" !

As with all things new, we ask for your patience and kindness and we thank you for joining us here at Lavish Three ... may you be greatly blessed.

lavish love,
Laurel, Lisa & Tammy

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