In HIS Creation . . . ENJOY the outdoors!
In His Creation!
Living in the desert we don't have many days that we can enjoy
"living" outdoors. So when Spring slips in with it's subtle breezes
& mild temperatures, it's absolutely fabulous!
So if you ENJOY the outdoors ~
here are a few of our favorite finds for
"setting your scene" this season!
Our "lavish" pillow collection will add comfort & beauty
to those spaces often neglected during winter...
so in the crisp morning air, grab your favorite book,
a cup of steaming tea, and
ENJOY comfort!
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ENJOY the company of "feathered friends"
with our "Bluebirds of Happiness" bird feeder.
Perfect for seeds & a few crumbs or a candle
to create a soft glow
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"Rustic & shabby" is the new "elegance"
We found these "Embossed Metal Medallions"
beautiful for displaying from your favorite tree or
to compliment your interior decor
ENJOY a bit of "rustic" charm
indoors or out!
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And just as the Springtime sun begins to set ...
create your own "illumination"
lovely alone on a single branch or clustered
in a trio among the new Springtime leaves,
they will cast just the right amount of light
to ENJOY an evening out!
ENJOY His Creation together!
Laurel . Tammy . Lisa
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~ Lavish Three ~
A destination designed to lavish Your Heart,
Your Soul & Your Home.
Discover beautiful home decor,
heartfelt gifts, lavish jewelry, lifestyle tips,
inspiring stories & more!
We joyfully donate a portion of all sales
to our featured nonprofit.
Learn more on our
Lavish Your Heart page
...and be a part of the movement
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