"Lavish Your Heart" . . . the story behind our tote

The simple story of our three hearts revealed in a signature tote . . .
why "signature". . . because it was of utmost significance to us that
you understand the beauty of the role we each play
in God's tapestry.
Our role was to design a product both functional & beautiful.
Our Lavish Three Signature tote became the perfect pathway for us to bring
visibility & funding to organizations & charities who provide hope & strive to
meet the needs of a broken world.
Alongside us came a community of beautiful women playing the role God assigned . . .
offering their time & talent to lovingly create our handmade tote.
And then, you were woven into His tapestry of giving.
And then, you were woven into His tapestry of giving.
With every Lavish purchase, you are joining us on this mission . . .
fulfilling God's desire that His people "live together in unity."
For those following our Lavish Your Soul - "STORIES,"
you have experienced the cherished role our featured writers play.
Sharing from both the heights & depths of their life's journey,
they invite us to follow in their courageous footsteps, to bask victoriously in
His grace & to receive the thread of His healing love.
* * * * *
Our hearts find great joy in knowing that you are out there in the world with
our tote, making known the lavish love of our Heavenly Father &
His desire for us to live in unity.
With lavish LOVE & joyful gratitude,
Laurel, Tammy, Lisa
~ Lavish Three ~
A destination designed to lavish Your Heart, Your Soul & Your Home.
Discover beautiful home decor, heartfelt gifts, lavish jewelry,
lifestyle tips, traditions & more!
We joyfully donate a portion of our sales each season to a nonprofit
~ visit our Lavish "Your Heart" page to learn more about this season's organization.